SLP #10: Building Communities with Shamanism, Zen and Tao Principals

Krystal Hille from Hille House Publishing Season 1 Episode 10
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00:00 | 43:32

In this episode, I speak with three incredible men who are all on a path towards holistic, community living and have each found their own philosophy to do so: Shamanism, Zen and Tao.

We speak about how the Tao wisdom has given Alexander a deeper insight into the challenges he faced on his journey and how the Tao wisdom can empower us to work together to create a better world.

How Orion uses shamanism to release PTDS in his clients and how Jason works with men's circles so they can come into their full power through his study of zen philosophies.


Andrew Orion Marks

Orion studied Metaphysical Science at the University of Sedona in 2016 and for many years, he followed Shamanic teachers in particular Richard Running Deer, Pitjantjatjara Ngankari, Dr Rafael Locke.

Orion is an initiated shaman and shamanic healer and the founder of the not-for-profit Wyla Wellness Ltd, a registered charity running Trauma and PTSD healing programs, accredited by the Australian Federal Government for "advancing health", with all donations are 100% tax deductible.
Wyla is about healing trauma including PTSD. It runs healing programs and retreats which are provided at no cost to the participant and rely upon donations.

If inspired, please donate to:


Alexander McPherson

Alexander has been in the tutelage of his spiritual father, Master Zhi Gang Sha since 2015, learning the ways of the Tao that govern all life. In that time he has become a Soul Teacher, Tao Hands Healer, Tao Source Communicator and Tao Calligraphy Field Messenger. This empowerment enables him to conduct his life from the soul/information world (where manifestation begins).

Inspired to transmit wisdom and power through a community forum, Alexander co-created “Unity: The Meeting Place” an annual cultural event that brings people together from all directions. The Unity Community is founded on the principle that together we have the power to heal the world.

Alexander offers soul healing blessings, teaches soul wisdom practices and offers spiritual readings through the Akashic Records.

Alexander is currently a nomad, travelling the East Coast of Australia connecting with the spirit of the land and allowing magical connections to arise.

Alexanders welcomes you to get in contact with him through the following:

For interest in collaborating with Unity you can email:


Jason Fisher

Jason Fisher is a gifted transformational life coach, bodyworker, therapist, and healer who specialises with a meditative focus and a fearless presence.

Jason integrates and embodies over 30 years of personal and professional practice in meditation and yoga, remedial massage, and core energetics psychotherapy. He has travelled the world extensively studying different cultures and ways, and has a grounded wisdom that serves the present moment.

Jason offers unique and specialised private sessions for individuals, couples, families, or workshops/retreats for groups or corporate teams.

Jason works towards balance, unification, and empowerment of Body Mind Spirit and Environment. From this place Jason encourages people to discover and follow their heart, intuition, and highest intentions. Holding space is a way of life for Jason. He practically supports others to find their own greatness, creativity, joy and love. Realness, care, pea

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